What helps against panic attacks?

7. Mar. 2023

Fear and panic are very unpleasant feelings. Are you aware that there is also something positive in your fear and that it means you no harm?

This is the approach of hypnotherapy. It offers you help with panic attacks by learning to look at them more closely and fathom them, as well as giving your subconscious mind another way to communicate with you other than pure panic.

Here you will learn what panic attacks are and what can help you with acute and permanent panic attacks. You can take your healing into your own hands.

Where do fear and panic come from?

Anxiety and panic go hand in hand and are natural reactions and protective mechanisms of your body. They are evolutionary and serve to put you in a “fight or flight” mode. This protected our ancestors from danger by either running away or defending themselves in response to the threatening situation.

Fear and panic are normal feelings, just like joy, anger or sadness. However, when fear and panic spread in harmless situations and as if out of nowhere, restricting those affected in their everyday lives, this is known as a panic attack. A situation, a smell, an animal or place, etc. that leaves other people cold causes sudden panic in people with panic attacks. This panic is not imagined, but can be perceived in the inner reality and is perceived as “real” and therefore feels threatening for the person affected.

What happens during a panic attack?

A panic attack can be triggered by a wide variety of situations and in a wide variety of places. Some people panic in front of animals, others in the midst of crowds, still others when they have to speak in front of people. When anxiety and panic are triggered, they are accompanied by many physical symptoms. Panic attacks are manifested, for example, by racing heart, wobbly knees, shortness of breath, sweating, dizziness, nausea, tightness in the chest, a feeling of weakness or even suffocation.

So a panic attack starts in the body first. Unfortunately, sufferers do not know in advance when a panic attack will occur. It can come suddenly and without warning and increase rapidly. When sufferers notice the first physical symptoms, they usually focus their awareness on them and concentrate on the negative feelings. Nervousness, stress and inner tension can thus grow and the focus is placed even more on the rising panic. The feeling intensifies and the negative feelings can turn into a panic attack. What is left behind is the additional fear of expectation afterwards, i.e. the fear of anxiety and the next panic attack.

What helps against anxiety and panic?

Acute and sustainable assistance

Panic attacks can severely limit your life, but it doesn’t have to stay that way. There are various acute and permanent measures that can help you with anxiety.

Acute panic? 5 tips for emergencies

You can use these first aid tips in combination or individually to overcome acute panic attacks:

1. The right breathing

Rising anxiety or panic can literally take your breath away. Breathing becomes shallower and faster and you may feel like you can’t breathe. This increases the panic. Therefore, a helpful measure can be a breathing exercise that calms your breath and you. Here’s how: Breathe deeply into your belly for 4 seconds, hold your breath for 6 seconds, and then exhale with your mouth open for another 8 seconds. Concentrate on your breathing and feel how your belly rises and falls. The long exhale calms you down and gives you a sense of control.

2. Keep moving

Exercise helps you relieve stress and clear your mind. When fear or panic arises, your body goes into “fight or flight” mode. This natural, evolutionary protective response makes you want to run away or fight the threat. Exercise helps you release tension and endorphins are released instead of stress hormones. It doesn’t matter whether you simply do a few jumping jacks when panic sets in, run around the apartment, or put on your jogging shoes right away. Pick the sport or exercise that you enjoy the most and that will help you in an acute situation. Regular workouts and exercise sessions can also help you permanently reduce anxiety and panic.

3. Talk (to yourself)

When fear and panic arise, it can help to talk yourself into it. You can adapt this method to your individual needs. Maybe writing down your thoughts will help you, maybe positive affirmations read aloud to yourself will do you good. It can also help to interrupt your panicked mind carousel by shouting “stop” out loud. Self-care is the key word here. Try to establish the method that works for you. It can also help to confide in someone. If it makes you feel good, talk openly with friends, your partner, or family members about how anxiety and panic are bothering you.

4. Distract and redirect thoughts

Distractions of any kind can help you draw your mind away from the panic attack. Anything that gets you to focus on something else in an acute situation is helpful here. Call someone, count to a hundred, ask a stranger on the street for directions, or count up all the objects in your environment in a certain color. This can help you redirect your thoughts until the panic attack passes.

5. Accept fear and let it pass by

Another acute way to help with anxiety is to accept emerging fear and panic. Accept the situation and the fear and realize that it will pass. Fear wants to protect you from something and is not your enemy. Even if it seems very hard, try not to resist, but accept the fear.

Permanent help for anxiety and panic attacks

Regularly occurring anxiety and panic can severely limit the lives of sufferers, for example when riding the subway or interacting with others.

But you don’t have to settle for this situation at all, you can do something about it.

Hypnotherapy for the treatment of panic attacks

Hypnosis is a very effective therapy for panic attacks and can help you overcome your panic attacks in the long run. It is a particularly gentle method through which you explore the reasons for your panic together with your hypnotherapist. Here he accompanies you with the help of various techniques. For example, you can look at the panic in hypnosis from a safe distance to approach it. By developing an understanding of your panic, you can fathom what the panic needs to dissipate. You manage to become able to act again and no longer let your panic attacks control you.

Bernhard Tewes during hypnosis work

Why does hypnosis help with panic attacks?

Since fear and panic are feelings and emotions that are subconsciously anchored in us, they can be worked with well in hypnosis. The state of hypnosis allows us to communicate directly with the subconscious mind within us from which fear springs.

When we get in touch with your subconscious mind in hypnosis, you are more receptive to suggestions and open to learning new behaviors and patterns of action. This is how you can manage to let go of the old.

To get to the heart of the problem, let’s look at your panic attacks from a different angle than you might have otherwise. We don’t push them away or ignore them, we take care of them.

After all, your panic attack was or is there to protect you. So you don’t have to fight it at all, but the central question here is: How can you help your panic? Hypnosis against anxiety and panic offers you the best way to help yourself, because you already carry the solution possibility within you.

Years of experience in overcoming panic attacks in the Kiez Hypnose Berlin practice.

At Kiez Hypnose Berlin we take care of anxiety-related issues and panic attacks of all kinds. In hypnotherapy, we work with the cause from which your fear and panic arise, to really make a lasting change. I have already helped hundreds of clients with panic attacks.

Take the step to sustainable change and get to know the hypnotherapy of Kiez Hypnose Berlin.

What you should bring with you? The willingness to want to change something and your confidence. Arrange your free initial consultation without obligation and let me advise you.

Hypnotherapy for panic attacks – find out more in a free preliminary consultation

In a personal hypnosis session, we can get to the bottom of the causes of your fears and respond to you individually with suggestions. I will be happy to advise you on your concerns and answer any unanswered questions you may have about hypnosis and anxiety. You can book an appointment for a free preliminary consultation here.

Bernhard Tewes

Dein Ansprechpartner

Bernhard Tewes

    Bernhard Tewes

“Die Behandlung von Ängsten gehört zu meinen Spezialgebieten.”

Ängste, Phobien, Panik

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