Anxiety, phobias and panic – hypnosis can help
Free yourself from fear, phobias and panic
Around 12 million people in Germany suffer from panic attacks, phobias and anxiety. This makes anxiety disorders the most common mental illnesses. And if you are also affected, then you are not alone. You may have heard of long and unpleasant confrontation therapies. I believe that there can be a faster and more effective way of healing. One that can help you achieve more freedom in your life, perhaps in the shortest possible time.
Feelings and fears arise in the subconscious. It therefore makes sense to start right here. With my newly developed Tewes® technique, we approach your subconscious in hypnosis. Your subconscious is then particularly open to reassessment and reorganisation. I also work with cause-orientated hypnotherapy. Where does your fear come from? What is the origin? And we transform this cause. Hypnosis is completely natural and you may be familiar with the state just before falling asleep or waking up.
I will guide you specifically into this relaxation in order to open your subconscious to new experiences. Here, for example, we suggest: You are safe, you are valuable. And soon you’ll be able to do everything you want to do again. Get in touch now for a free consultation. We get to know each other on the phone or in a video call and you tell me in confidence how I can support you.

Social phobia ›
Hypnotherapy helps you to develop a healthy sense of self-esteem and to enjoy interacting with other people again.
Generalised anxiety disorder ›
Hypnosis helps to overcome fears. After therapy, many people feel liberated and can work normally. Everyday life becomes easier, life gains in quality.
Panic attacks ›
Here you will learn what panic attacks are and what can help you with acute and permanent panic attacks. You can take your healing into your own hands.
Emetophobia ›
One of the most effective methods of therapy for fear of vomiting can be hypnosis. Hypnotherapy is a form of psychotherapy that puts you in a natural state of trance.
What’s your biggest fear?
Your heart’s racing, you’re breathing faster. A big black hole opens up in your stomach. The only way to rid yourself of your fear is to face it. If only it were that simple, you think to yourself. That’s easy for them to s ay. But there is a solution.
What is fear?
Fear is essential for survival: it shows us our limits. In its most irrational form, it makes our lives miserable. It is a feeling in the limbic system: this is the part of the subconscious that cannot be consciously controlled. This is why conventional therapies are so difficult.
What is a phobia?
Phobias are specific fears that have a trigger. Spiders or crowds. Buttons or tight spaces. A phobia has many faces.
We distinguish between “simple phobias”, which are cured relatively quickly because they hardly affect everyday life, and “complex phobias”, which strongly affect everyday life, for example when within a social phobia the affected person does not leave the house. And “covert phobias” that mask other issues, like relationship problems.
What is panic?
The feeling of dying or going crazy takes over during a panic attack. You break out in a sweat, your heart beats faster. Control? Wrong.
Every kind of fear has a highest point, at the latest after 30 minutes the attack is over. What remains is the fear of the next, the so-called fear of fear. This creates a chronic disorder that puts a lot of pressure on those who suffer.
About three to four percent of all people suffer from panic disorder. Unlike other fears, however, panic is not a persistent state. The condition usually begins between the ages of 20 and 30 – often occurring in conjunction with agoraphobia, which is the fear of being in public places such as large public squares or crowds. Those affected by panic attacks avoid the triggering situations and, in extreme cases, can no longer leave their own home.
People suffering from this type of anxiety disorder often withdraw from their social environment because they fear the onset of a panic attack in public – an avoidance strategy that can already have a very stressful effect on families and partnerships.
Hypnosis can help with all common phobias
- Social phobia: the fear of being judged negatively in social situations (see next topic for details).
- Agoraphobia: the fear of any – usually large, open or crowed or place or situation where escape seems impossible or difficult, or where no help is at hand should sudden panic symptoms occur.
- Claustrophobia: the fear of being trapped in tunnels, elevators, confined spaces, rooms without windows, etc.).
- Aviophobia, Aerophobia (fear of flying)
- Acrophobia: fear of heights
- Emetophobia: fear of vomiting
- Carcinophobia: fear of cancer
- Necrophobia: Fear of death or dead things.
- Arachnophobia (fear of spiders): Half of all women and ten percent of all men have a more or less pronounced fear of spiders.
Get help with your fears and phobias
The Tewes Technique® can help you in the treatment of anxiety disorders by uncovering and healing the triggering events. Contact me now for an initial consultation on the phone. Let’s overcome your fears together and lead a better life.
The Tewes Technique – combat any anxiety disorder
I treat all types of anxiety disorders, including generalized anxiety disorder. In hypnosis we bring out the triggering events, which can go back to your deepest childhood, in a protected space and heal them. We work cause-oriented, because a purely suggestive hypnosis therapy is rarely sustainable. Fear is a learned emotion. However, since irrational fears cannot be reached consciously, we will uncover them in the unconscious. In hypnosis, the evaluations of a danger can be newly linked. A lasting improvement is our goal.
Under Methods you can see how I work with the Tewes Technique®.
There isn’t an anxiety disorder I haven’t heard of. You are in good hands with me – as will soon be your fear.
The treatment of anxiety is one of my specialities. Read more about my treatment successes in this blog article: